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What is Nordic Walking?

what-is-nordic-walkingHave you started to hear the term “Nordic Walking” used more and more frequently? You’re not alone. Nordic Walking is an increasingly popular form of exercise, which originated in Finland many years ago but which is now being taken up around the world because of the incredible Nordic Walking benefits for your health. The defining feature of Nordic Walking is the use of poles as part of the Nordic Walking technique, with the poles designed to work in tandem with your natural walking movement to better spread out the physical the load and to facilitate an upper body workout too. 

That’s the general explanation of what is Nordic Walking, while the International Nordic Walking Federation defines the activity as so: “Nordic Walking is a form of physical activity, where regular, natural walking is enhanced by the addition of the active use of a pair of specially-designed Nordic Walking poles. However, the characteristics of natural, biomechanically-correct walking and appropriate posture are maintained in all aspects.”


Understanding Nordic Walking

In terms of the history of Nordic Walking, the activity was born in the Nordics, specifically in the country of Finland. That explains the “Nordic” part of the name. The story goes that skiers from Finland would adopt the Nordic Walking technique during the skiing off-season to practice and keep up their optimal skiing movements. Nowadays, it’s a popular fitness regime around the world, while it remains a good way to get in shape if you’re going on an Andorra skiing holiday any time soon.


How Nordic Walking differs from regular walking

When considering how to do Nordic Walking, it’s important to understand that it’s not quite the same as regular walking. The fact that poles make up a major part of the Nordic Walking technique makes it quite clear that this is a totally different activity. Because of the poles and the inclusion of the upper body in the workout, it’s normal to have a higher heart rate and to burn more calories while practising Nordic Walking vs regular walking


Benefits of Nordic Walking

What is Nordic Walking good for, in terms of the Nordic Walking benefits? Well, there are a number of well-documented Nordic Walking benefits, especially the fact that it is great for burning calories, for cardiovascular health and for being a low-impact kind of workout. As such, it’s an excellent way to stay fit and healthy without taking much of a toll on the body. 

Furthermore, there are also Nordic Walking benefits in terms of stress release and mental health. With this being a very relaxing activity, and often a social one too, several non-physical Nordic Walking benefits have been noted.


Getting started with Nordic Walking

So, now that you know what is Nordic Walking, the next question is how to get started and how Nordic Walking for beginners works. It might even be worth searching in your local area to see if there is a Nordic Walking for beginners group near you. Since this is becoming such a popular activity, you might be surprised. 

If you do start your Nordic Walking journey on your own, that’s still a good way to get going. You should start out by investing in the right equipment, which means Nodic Walking poles, which are slightly different from regular hiking poles, and Nordic Walking shoes, which can be any comfortable outdoor boots. 

Then, when it comes to the Nordic Walking technique, start with an upright posture, with your chest open and your core engaged. Hold the poles lightly, swinging your arms in opposition to your legs. Plant the poles diagonally behind you as your foot strikes the ground, pushing off to propel yourself forward. Maintain a smooth, natural stride with heel-to-toe foot movement. That’s the key, and you’ll be surprised at how this combination can really make you fly. 


How to incorporate Nordic Walking into your fitness routine

It’s simple enough to incorporate Nordic Walking into your fitness routine. All you need to do is make sure you have the correct equipment, in terms of the right poles, and that you understand the exact technique and the right posture to adopt. If you’ve got all of the above, then you’re ready to go and ready to become a member of the Nordic Walking community!