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Compensation guarantee

When does this apply? This will be applied to online purchases during the Early Booking and Promo Price sales period where the customer has skied fewer than five days by the date the resort closes.

In which type of season ski pass is this guarantee included? These conditions are valid for the non-resident and resident season pass. Grandvalira Resorts will consider the application of this guarantee to other season pass products depending on the type and days skied. This guarantee does not apply to extracurricular, university, accompanying and Mountain Pass ski passes.

How does it work? The customer just has to pay for the days skied at the ticket office price, and a compensation voucher for the following season will be issued to them. In the case of having used the invitation, it will be considered as one day's skiing.

When can I request this? You can request this during the current season up to 20 April 2025.

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Compensation policy

When does this apply? This will be applied in the event of pregnancy, accident, illness or forced closure of borders and/or the resort preventing further skiing during the rest of the 2024-2025 season.

In which type of ski pass is this guarantee included? These conditions are valid for the non-resident and resident season Pass. Grandvalira Resorts will consider the application of this guarantee on season pass products depending on the type and days skied.  In the case of having used the invitation, it will be considered as one day's skiing.

How does it work? A voucher will be issued as compensation, to be exchanged for the next ski season, according to the customer’s use of the season ski pass during the current season.

In case you want to use the voucher in the Early Booking period, the purchase can be made from May 1, 2024 until July 9, 2024 or until available spots are sold out during the Early Booking sales period.

What is the compensation percentage according to the days skied?

1 day of skiing: 100% compensation voucher or application of the "Compensation guarantee" if a medical certificate is not provided and conditions are met.

2 to 7 days of skiing: Days skied will be charged at the day pass rate at the ticket office. Compensation voucher for the price difference paid.

8 to 10 days: 10% discount voucher on the purchase value of the next season's pass.

More than 11 days of skiing: The seasonal pass is considered fully utilized.

How long are they valid? The compensation vouchers are valid for two consecutive seasons.

Compensation will not be provided if there are skiing days after the date of the the medical certificate.

Requests can be made during the current season and until April 20, 2025, via webform

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Ski season insurance

What’s covered? This insurance covers you in the event of a skiing accident on the slopes. 

Where and when does it have to be taken out? The insurance must be taken out when the Season Ski Pass is purchased and/or before the first day of skiing. It will not be possible to take out insurance once the pass has been used. 

How much is it? The price is €64.  This insurance is not included in the Season Ski Pass rate or in any other guarantee for the 2024 – 2025 Season Ski Pass.